The first three were taken from the waiting room. Note that curve of metal at the bottom. That's the first arch in the tower. Take a look at this shot to remind yourself what the building looks like. I'm taking the pictures out of those triangle windows.

These next two are looking north. This is the view from the room where I had my teeth cleaned. You may notice the clarity is a little better. That's because the windows actually open and I didn't take these through the glass. You can literally just turn the latch and there's no screen or bars or nothing, just an open window.

Window closed now, I wanted to get the shape of the window and also include the dentist tools in the shot.

The hygientist let me pause in another exam room (or whatever the call a room with a dentist chair in it... cleaning room?) for this view a little closer to the Empire State Building.

Other notes: The dentist was great. Efficient, professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and didn't even hate me for getting my appointment time wrong and showing up late.
And, the lobby of the Chrysler building is lovely and you should take a look if you're up at 42nd street. The security won't let you upstairs, but the public can get into the lobby. Be sure to check out the ceiling.