This is over on E. 4th across from Swift's. They're actually using explosives at the construction site there. I don't know if I've seen that before in the city. I love that the neighborhood has to learn blast whistle codes.
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There is blasting going on down at the new South Ferry subway terminal too.
Municipal construction-such as the water tunnel on E 4th, the South ferry subway work and the water treatment plant in Van Courtlandt Park use explosives because the city pays for the insurance and it is the most efficient way to excavate large quantities of rock.
The sign is indeed charming, but try living within a four block radius of that site. Those workers must get some kind of crazy overtime because they have been cement-churning, back-hoeing and all other manner of blast-worthy noisemaking every night of the week, often until 2 or 3 am. I was told they stop at 11pm, but no rest for the water mainliners, evidently. It's ridiculous.
This is an access point for the new city water tunnel #3, which is due for completion in 2020. Get ready for 14 more years of whistle-blowing.
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