Our tiny NoBatt neighborhood has only a handful of residential buildings and a handful of storefronts. There's a Starbucks over on Broadway and Thames, and there's one in the World Financial Center. How could there possibly be need for one here? (I tried to include some background in the photo, but in case you don't recognize it, this is the spot in the Marriot WFC hotel where the flowershop used to be, Washington and Carlisle.)
I only approve of this if they stay open for any amount of time past 6pm. I'd love if they closed at 10pm, but I'll settle for 8pm.
Remember, this is a neighborhood where the Chinese places are closed at 5pm, and the drugstores aren't open when most people are on the way home from work. We've got bigger problems than corporate coffeeshops encroaching. This is actually a sign of commercial progress.
Plus, with 90 West now open in a growing 'hood, and the prime position in the ground floor of a busy hotel, it just might work out for them.
Hi Brian,
I agree with you that we could use more late night services, but I'd just as soon get late night emergency coffee at Bravo and preserve whatever uniqueness our neighborhood can retain.
I think the Dean and Deluca in Borders stays open until 8.
I also thought 90 West would change things, but I'm not sure it has. Maybe when the condos in 120 Greenwich sell? Plus the new W Hotel and whatever else goes in that hole on Albany and Washington.
George stays open later now than when he was open before, but I don't think there's enough business for him to do 24 hours. (I'm guessing.) Giovani's has that separate coffee/pastry shop, but that closes early too. I think if the business was there they'd stay open later - at least as late as the restaurant.
Does the new Merchants have a coffee station?
The area you call "NoBatt" is being referred to as "South End" by the Marketing Team at 120 Greenwich.
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