Sunday, December 31, 2006

At the bar

061230 005
Greenpiont, Brooklyn

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    A few years ago, it was difficult to find synthetic motor oils, and equally difficult to find someone who admitted to

    using them. Nowadays, however, you can find synthetic motor oils on the shelves of Wal-Mart, and other retailers, and

    the number of people turning to synthetic motor oils, particularly in light of the recent events affecting fuel

    prices, has risen greatly.

    So why do people use synthetic motor oils rather than sticking with the old petroleum based stand-bys which are

    admittedly cheaper?

    1. Let's start with the cost per quart issue. Synthetic motor oils ARE more expensive at purchase. However, these oils

    last longer, requiring fewer oil changes. As a synthetic motor oil outlasts several changes of petroleum based

    lubricants, the ultimate out-of-pocket cost of the lubricant is less. This cost savings becomes even greater if you

    have someone else change your oil for you rather than doing it yourself!
