Sunday, July 18, 2004


I've read through some of the historical panels on display there, but never bothered with the parts I actually lived through.  That said, huge crowds of people stare at those things every day.  They take pictures of it, they videotape it, they put flowers next to it, they explain it to each other and tell their stories to each other. 
"truly astonishing that you are the first person to have reported this mistake to The Port Authority."
Truly astonishing for sure.
What else is astonishing is that this is the second time there's been an issue with those signs.  Last time we read about them, the keepers were having a hard time getting people to not write tributes all over them, so they had to put them out of reach.  I think they were already replacing them multiple times for that reason.  Now this.  I hope this isn't a sign of things to come at that site.
(By the way, speaking of people taking each others' pictures next to the hole, I know that some cultures don't smile for pictures, and that's always struck me as odd.  I've even seen older pictures of Americans when the camera was in its early days and they custom of grinning like a goon hadn't taken hold yet.  Well, there's one situation where not smiling for a picture actually doesn't seem strange and that's at Ground Zero (and probably other unhappy locations).  The other day I was coming home and a guy was taking a picture of what appeared to be his mother and and maybe his brother, and they were smiling like they were at DisneyWorld.  I know we always "say cheese," but c'mon guys, try to think outside the box sometimes.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    it's un-fucking-believable

    unbe-fucking-believable just sound moronic.
