These are of the tunnel being built to extend the Long Island Railroad to Grand Central. I probably could have narrowed this set down a little further but it was a pretty incredible tour so every picture still has a lot of impact for me.
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Great photo set! The lighting really works in these shots despite being in a tunnel.
Was this an official tour, or do you get some kind of special access?
Yes, it was a press tour because they had just reached the point beneath Grand Central so that was a sort of milestone. I was on the same press tour group as Bobby Couza the NY1 guy, which was kind of neat.
and re: light, I brought my flash down there and instantly figured out it would be useless. It didn't have the range to make anything look like anything. Meanwhile, we were up to our ankles in mud and/or water so a tripod was out of the question. So it was a lot of longish exposure, hold your breath and relax and shoot kind of picture taking.
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