The bottom image is after Photoshop had its way with it. Makes it a little easier to see what the subject is, but I also like how the original has that film of blue over it. I took this through a window, that's how the blue got there.
It seems like I could eventually put together a series of "what are the chances" shots. In this installment, what are the chances that while taking a photo of a collection of folded colorful tents (Union Square Greenmarket) a van with almost those exact colors drives behind them? And what are the chances that the light would turn red and hold that van there while the camera caught up so I could take the second shot?
These are the delivery bikes at Gee Whiz diner. What I was liking was the wheels and the little arches in that fence thing around the tree. I tried to make that more explicit with the crop. What I should have done was left my omlette for a minute and gone outside to frame the shot properly.
Tonight's snow. Bottom: I've been meaning to take a picture of this sign so tonight is as good a nigth as any. I like how simple yet clear it is. Top: My thinking, in addition to the idea that the snow would continue the orange/white pattern, was that the oval positive space of the cylinder would work compositionally with the oval negative space of the hole. Not sure.
With the low clouds in the buildings in the background, the ones in the foreground seem to stand out more. The view down Nassau Street was one of the best places to see that effect.
What could be more yellow than a big yellow truck in front of two yellow awnings? How about adding the yellow nose of a taxi? More? How 'botu a whole taxi? More? How about two taxis? That's all the yellow that fits! I know, I'm a wildman.