Wednesday, July 30, 2008


080504 155
I reckon I could have gone brighter with this whole thing.

Tower of toys

080511b 035

080511b 053

080511b 058

080511b 116

080511b 036Tall
This last one is stitched, which turns out to have been a good way to handle the awkward light (bright sky, dark garden).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bench rest

080511 010
This was a hip shot, poor focus/blur but nice body forms.

Neon rain

080509 025

080509 026
These would be more winning if there was something interesting in the door of the place. What I liked was the trashed umbrella barely lit on the sidewalk in front of the window.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tim Ryan's

Tim Ryan's

Tim Ryan's
Given enough time I would probably eventually admit to not liking this second one but I have a soft spot for kissing the bartender.

Tree planting near Automotive High

Tree Planting near Automotive High
This didn't come very sharp but I like it for the figure forms.

Nassau & Minetta

Nassau & Minetta
I have a lens that can shoot this whole scene in one shot but this one is actually an assembled panorama. The depth and size of the panorama is much better for some reason.

The Love Brick

The Love Brick
This was on the roof of the Essex House on Central Park South.