Thursday, August 31, 2006


I forget the name, but this is some kind of art or performance space.

Six Degrees of Wythe Street

Six Degrees is shooting down around N3rd St. today.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I think the top one is the better crop, but I like that older lady on the right in the lower one so I felt bad cropping her out.

McCarren park is full of these kinds of picnics. I call them minivan picnics because there's usually a huge family who pulls up in a mini van, sets up the grill and chairs and toys like an outdoor living room, and then leaves the side door of the van open so they can hear the radio play salsa music. No doubt lots of great memories are being made.

One thing that'll make an interesting contrast is when those million dollar apartments in the background start selling, with views from the living room of less wealthy familys making a temporary living room in the park.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Pine Plains, NY
Another for my under the umbrella series.

Angie's Food

Yeah, more diner photos. I think the reason I like diner photos is that there are so many tools for eating on display.


Massachusettes, that is.

The Squan

No color correction here because the place actually was this yellow.


Funny contrast with that Seattle beach last month. It might be fun to come up with an "under the umbrella" series.

Sand castle

We thought this was a hotel and enjoyed imagining rich New Jersey weddings in it until we figured out its condos. Still a pretty amazing face and setting.

Standing by

Main St. in Manesquan

Land of the porches

Spring Lake

I'm just going to put up all of my "what I did on my Summer vacation" photos in one shot so we can move on and get back to city blogging.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Beach house

There are some really great houses down here.

Stopping willow

Nice shape to that tree.

Water tower water

Ocean Road, Spring Lake, NJ

Italian ices

Belmar, NJ
Could all of these people really be here just for the Italian ices?

Monday, August 21, 2006

On the road again

Greetings from Spring Lake, New Jersey.
I'm away from the city for the week, which is why I put up all my neighborhood newsy shots today. Hopefully I'll continue to have Internet access so I won't have any down time on the blog.

Hot spot

There are empty storefronts and new places all over Williamsburg, but this one is literally at Bedford and N7. A hot spot to be sure. What would you put there?


N8 and Roebling (or so)

Trinity nearly complete

Of the three commercial spaces on N12 at the bottom of McCarren Park on Driggs, the middle one has been the only one occupied (pet supply place.) Last week a new place opened, Mamalu (below), one of those baby/kid cafes like Willy Bee's down on Metropolitan. Basically a coffe bar in front with a huge play area in the back. Now I see there's serious work going on in the third space (above). It was still pretty rough looking in there, but still something to keep an eye on and look forward to.

DnD on the fast track

It's amazing how fast the corporate places come together. This photo is only a couple days old and it's already out of date. This morning all the signage was up and the inside was getting close to being finished. Meanwhile, I got a peek in the door of Baker's Dozen, which promises to be an exciting bagel source on Manhattan Ave if they can ever actually open. The glimpse I got was not promising.

Here's a picture of Peter Pan to make you feel better.