It was the Frankenstein shoes on the woman with the balloon that caught my eye but then I noticed there does seem to be a bit of a story in all the shoes.
Switching to black and white is always my cheap way to try to salvage a shot that isn't as pristine as I'd like. In this case, though, I think I prefer the sepia of the top shot.
There's a heuristic in photography that anything not relevant to the shot should be cropped away - actually, it shouldn't be in the frame in the first place, but barring that, crop it away later. So that's what I tried with the shot below. Depending on my mood I'm not sure the crop actually helps.
There's a new restaurant going in at Lorimer & Nassau/Bedford. I was expecting the shot so I was ready for the incandescent light inside. I like how that turned the evening purple.
I'm not sure why I like this since it's a picture of nothing. I wonder if that green stuff on the right is too distracting. Might be worth a crop or maybe turning the whole thing B&W.
Since I already took "feathers in the air" photos last year, this year I really tried to focus on the faces and the fun of the event. While the activity itself may seem odd, the really remarkable thing about it is the sheer number of ear-to-ear grins in the place.
This building is in the process of being turned into fancy condos but they happened to leave the door open to this huge ground floor space so I popped in for a bit.