I don't imagine they're going to paint the terraces blue and orange, but it does catch the eye from a distance. Leonard Street (at, or close to, Broadway)
I find myself taking a lot of photos of fire-escaped facades with long winter shadows lately. I'm not sure what's attracting me or if I'm showing it correctly with the camera, but I think it's the way the fire escape is re-drawn in shadow in the space between the fire escapes. (West Broadway)
Top: Commuters pour into the WTC PATH station from Hoboken Tuesday morning. Bottom: Commuters crowd the platform waiting for the Hoboken train to take them home Tuesday evening. For what it's worth, the counter-commute was pretty smooth.
When I was in the WTC PATH station this morning I noticed they're running regular trains from there to 33rd street, without having to go over to NJ in between. I assume it also makes a few stops along the way at 9th St. or 14th or 23rd. I don't know if it's already being reported on NY1 or anything, but if you have to get between Lower Manhattan and Midtown, that might be your best bet. Plus, it's 50 cents cheaper than the subway would have been. :) [link -no metion of stops]
64th floor. Some of these came better than others, but I got sick of trying to sort through them. I could probably get a little more out of the sky, and some of the window reflection is frustrating. Nice view though.
P.S. The Verrazzano is the most under rated skyline bridge in the city.